Ios pdf reader voice
Ios pdf reader voice

ios pdf reader voice

Double tapping this button will begin to voice the document. The "Play" button is located at the center of the screen about three-quarters of the way down. At thetop and bottom of the box are a number of button controls. Near the middle of this screen you'll find a text box containing the first few lines of text of the selected title. When you double tap any title, the reading pane will appear. Each title is followed by an approximate total listening time, which is updated whenever you change the voice or voice speed. The home screen contains the Documents list and comes preloaded with three files: Welcome, Help, and Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Four features (full-screen reading mode, text highlighting, dictionary lookups, and the ability to create and embed notes) do not currently work with VoiceOver, but the developeris actively working on changing that. All of the buttons are labeled, and there are several features and controls specifically for VoiceOver users. The app interface is extremely speech friendly.


This free version is nearly complete with all of the features, but it will only read the first 300 characters of any book or document.

ios pdf reader voice

You can also try out the app before you buy it with the Voice Dream Reader Lite app. There are 78 voices in 20 languages to choose from. During the brief setup process, you're taken to the Voice Store where you can sample and purchase other Acapela and NeoSpeech voices for $1.99 and $2.99,respectively. It is compatible with the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch and requires iOS 5 or later.

ios pdf reader voice

Voice Dream Reader costs $9.99 in the US App Store and comes standard with the Acapela Heather voice. It also does an excellent job organizing and voicing Microsoft WordDOC and DOCX files, web articles, and various e-book formats, including works from Project Gutenberg and Bookshare. This mainstream app has been aptly described as a Swiss Army knife for opening and reading aloud a wide variety of file formats, ranging from PDF files to PowerPoint presentations. In this article we'll take an in-depth look at a self-voicing app foriOS devices the called Voice Dream Reader. Synthesized speech has evolved and improved markedlyover the years, and its use has spread to the point that, these days, you'll hear it chattering away everywhere from flight announcements at the airport to a host of apps designed to give sighted tablet and smartphone users the ability to multitask or take a break from eye strain.


For several decades people who are visually impaired have used text-to-speech (TTS) software to access electronic text documents.

Ios pdf reader voice